Safe hospitality at Sportpension Alpenrose - the details


Booking & Arrival

Until further notice we have adjusted the cancellation conditions to the current situation. Should the Covid-19 pandemic lead to local or personal travel restrictions (such as quarantine or ban on entering Austria), no cancellation fees will be charged.

In general we ask you to arrive healthy.

We are available for any kind of requests at any time for you by phone or by mail.


We are looking forward to welcoming you again  -  STAY HEALTHY!


General Terms and Conditions

Booking confirmation: A deposit of € 600,- for apartments and of € 500,- for rooms is required to guarantee the room reservation. The final payment must either be made before you arrive, or on site in cash.

Methods of payment: We only accept cash upon arrival or bank transfer prior to arrival.
Please note that we do not accept credits card or other card (e.g. debit card, switch card, ATM card, cash card) payments.

Bank: Raika Schladming
IBAN: AT05 3811 3000 0907 4915
In the name of Sportpension Alpenrose – Mag. Sylvia Rojer

Cancellation policy

Unless otherwise agreed, the cancellation terms as stated under § 5 (Rescission of the Accommodation Agreement) of the Austrian General Terms and Conditions for the Hotel Industry (AGBH 2006) apply.

more than 3 months before the date of arrival  > no cancellation fee
3 months to 1 month before the date of arrival  > 40 % of the total agreed price
1 month to 1 week before the date of arrival  > 70% of the total agreed price
within the last week preceding the date of arrival  > 90 % of the total agreed price
from 2 days before arrival  > 100 % of the total agreed price

In order to be on the safe side in the event of a cancellation, we recommend you take out a trip cancellation insurance. It insures you against financial risks such as cancellation fees, should you have to cancel or interrupt your journey due to an unforeseen event (e.g. illness, unemployment).

Please note that pets are only allowed upon prior authorization.

Authority in accordance with ECG (e-commerce law): District commission Liezen. We are member of the Chamber of Commerce of Styria / Hotel sector